We are excited to present the inaugural DREAM Asia [2023] Robotics Competition, featuring enthusiastic participants from Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore, and we’re thrilled to have you on board for this remarkable journey.
To secure your child’s participation, please proceed by filling out the form below, make Paynow payment and don’t forget to send us a copy of your Paynow transaction to the Whatsapp number below. Note: Acceptance is on a first come first serve basis.
Prepare to engage in the art of designing, building, and programming your robots to overcome exciting challenges.
** For parents wishing to have additional practice we will be opening West Coast Plaza on December 8th and 9th on a reservation basis.
I, the parent / guardian (the “Parent”) of the student (the “Student”), hereby understand and agree to these Terms* and the Media Release**.
I do hereby grant permission to RoboThink Pte Ltd, its affiliates, parent companies, subsidiaries, franchisees, agents and assigns (together as "RoboThink") to publish, post, reproduce, modified, use my and/or my child's story, interviews, image, video, voice, name or other items, hereinafter referred to as "Materials", as RoboThink requires in perpetuity without prior approval by myself unless otherwise advised by myself in writing.
I hereby release you, your representatives, employees, members, and directors from all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with any use of said Materials, including without limitation to all claims for invasion of privacy, infringements of my right of publicity, defamation and any other personal and/or property rights. I acknowledge and agree that no compensation or other forms of payment, now or in the future, whatsoever will be due to me as a result of the use and/or exploitation of the Materials or any rights therein.
I acknowledge that my child is under 18 years old and lacks the legal capacity to enter into binding agreements. Accordingly, I have read this Release and consent to my child's inclusion in the Materials and will not contest the rights granted in this Release, and shall assist and support you in any and all legal proceedings for affirmation of this Agreement, should you choose to have a court of law affirm this Agreement.
RoboThink develops a fun and educational suite of coding software that is exclusive to our locations.